Last November, in 2020, was published the latest study of cord blood therapy for Cerebral Palsy.
The study was made by MinYoung Kim, MD PhD, of the CHA Bundang Medical Center near Seoul, South Korea. Their group has built a protocol for treating cerebral palsy that is based on intravenous infusions of donated cord blood from a public bank. The cord blood is matched to the patient on at least 4 of 6 key HLA types, and they may use up to two cord blood units to achieve their target dose of at least 30 million cells per kg of patient weight.
The 4 study arms:
– Cord Blood and Erythropoietin
– UCB and Placebo-EPO
– Placebo-UCB and EPO
– Double Placebo
Cord Blood and Erythrpoietin is better for Cerebral palsy than either alone.
The major trends in cord blood therapy for cerebral palsy: younger children tend to respond better, bigger cell doses are better, and cord blood that is a closer HLA match to the patient is better (the closest match is their own cord blood).